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How To Make A Laptop Stand Using Cardboard?

How To Make A Laptop Stand Using Cardboard

Ergonomics. It’s something you probably never think about until you experience it in all its glory, then wonder how you ever lived without that perfect lumbar support for your chair or the ideal angle for your laptop screen. But before you know it, you’re wearing a neck brace and experiencing back pain from hunching over your poor, flat computer at all hours of the day. If only there were a simple way to make your workspace more ergonomically friendly! Well, good news: there is. With just a few seconds and a few scraps of leftover cardboard, you can create a stand that will elevate the screen of your laptop so that it matches the height of an external monitor or display—and thus save your posture. Here’s how to do it:

Things to Consider

Before making your cardboard laptop stand, we recommend considering what kind of stand you want. While there are more basic laptop stands, there are also more complex models.

For instance, you can make one that folds, thus saving you desk space when you are not using your laptop stand. Though these stands are useful, they will be harder to make than a more standard item. As a result, they will be better suited to those who are more advanced at crafts. Our instructions will be focused on making a more general laptop stand.

The first thing to do is to decide on the size of your stand. Are you looking for something small enough to store under your desk? Or perhaps something that can hold a laptop of any size?

Next, we suggest choosing what material you want to use for your cardboard laptop stand. There are many options out there for this purpose: aluminum foil, cardboard, or plastic wrap will all work well!

DIY Benefits

How To Make A Laptop Stand Using Cardboard

With the growing popularity of laptops, it’s no surprise that more and more people are making their laptop stands. Laptop stands are super easy to make, and there are a lot of DIY laptop stand ideas out there that you can use to make your own.

If you want to create a custom laptop stand for yourself or someone else as a gift, here are some of the benefits:

  1. It’s fun! Making your laptop stand is not only a great way to spend time with family or friends but also allows you to learn new skills while getting creative. You can use any materials you have around your home and make something unique and beautiful!
  2. Great for those on a budget! If you don’t want to spend money on expensive laptop stands but still want something that looks good and works well, then creating your own will be perfect for you. The fact that it’s made from recycled materials makes it even more eco-friendly!
  3. Easy to clean up! When done properly, these stands can last for years without needing much maintenance at all. All you have to do is wipe them down when necessary.
How To Make A Laptop Stand Using Cardboard

Materials Needed

You’ll need a lot of cardboard, some glue, and tape. You can get cardboard from your local grocery store or recycling center. If you have an old laptop that’s broken, you can use it as well! Then you’ll need a pencil, ruler, towel, and paintbrush to decorate your stand with whatever design you want. Here’s what you need to prepare:

  • Cardboard – While this may seem like a no-brainer, it is worth repeating in case you forgot. For your laptop stand, you’ll need this cardboard. If you don’t have any, you should be able to obtain some rather simply, as individuals frequently have leftover cardboard that they are willing to share.
  • A ruler or measuring tape – you’ll need this to measure the many pieces you’ll need to put this item together.
  • Pen – You’ll need a pen to label the cardboard, after all. Pens will allow you to draw the shapes you need and note the measurements you need.
  • Scissors or cutter – To cut the cardboard, you’ll need a pair of scissors or another cutting tool. While scissors can be used to cut through cardboard, there may be better tools available. A knife, for example, could be utilized. This is where utility knives come in handy. A scalpel is also a viable option.
  • Superglue – It will be used to connect the pieces.
  • Safety eyewear (optional) – while cardboard is not very hazardous, there is a potential that staples may be hiding within it. As a result, you should wear goggles to protect your eyes as a precaution.
How To Make A Laptop Stand Using Cardboard

Steps In Creating a Laptop Stand Using Cardboard

  1. Measure the length and width of the bottom of your laptop with a ruler or measuring tape. Take down these measurements and save them for future use. Also, take a diagonal measurement. Because laptops come in various sizes, there is no one-size-fits-all solution.
  2. Next, consider how tall you want your laptop stand to be. A laptop stand aims to raise your laptop. Before you start constructing your stand, think about how tall you want it to be. Measure this using a ruler or measuring tape, just like the previous step.
  3. Using the measurements from the base of the laptop, draw a rectangle on the cardboard. Your device will be supported by this piece. Make a second rectangle with the same dimensions as the first.
  4. Using your cutting tool, cut out these rectangles.
  5. Then, create a right-angled triangular portion of the length of your laptop’s side. The height of the triangle will be determined by how high you wish to support your laptop. Make three more triangles of the same size.
  6. Cut out these four triangles using your scissors, knife, or scalpel. The laptop will be supported by additional triangles.
  7. On a level surface, place one of the rectangle pieces.
  8. Next, use some glue to adhere one of the triangles to the rectangle’s left side. The highest point of the triangle should be at the rear of the rectangle, and the lowest point should be at the frost. Glue the third triangle to the rectangle’s right end. This will result in a ramp-like structure. Use plenty of glue when gluing. This will help to reinforce your structure.
  9. Place the two remaining triangles in the rectangle’s middle. This will provide you with a lot more assistance.
  10. Glue the last rectangle at an angle to the tops of these triangles. This, like the triangles, should result in a ramp. The back end of the stand should be the highest, while the front end should be the smallest. As a result, your laptop will be at an awkward angle. This rectangle is where your laptop will be placed.
  11. Allow time for the adhesive to dry. The adhesive must be completely dry before your laptop stand can support your device. Otherwise, it will most likely fall apart.
  12. Take pleasure in your basic but effective laptop stand!

Why is my homemade laptop stand not strong enough?

How To Make A Laptop Stand Using Cardboard

If you’re like most people, you want your laptop stand to be strong enough to hold your laptop without falling over. But most homemade stands are not sturdy enough for this task. If your homemade cardboard laptop stand falls over, the reason likely is that it wasn’t made correctly or was not strong enough.

The next thing we should discuss is stability. A lot of people make their cardboard laptop stands out of necessity instead of for fun or style reasons. They may just need something with which they can prop up their computer so that they can work on it more comfortable while sitting down at a desk rather than standing up in front of a computer monitor or notebook screen (if one even exists). If this sounds like what you’re looking for, then having something stable and strong is important so that your laptop doesn’t fall over while working on it!

Can I make a laptop stand out from an old shoebox?

How To Make A Laptop Stand Using Cardboard

Yes, you can!

Here are some tips for making a laptop stand out from an old shoebox:

1. Use a clear box to create a template for cutting the holes on both sides of the box. Use your box cutter or scissors to cut out two rectangles on each side of the box.

2. Use a knife to cut out the center hole in each rectangle so they will fit perfectly inside one another when stacked together.

3. Stack several boxes together and make sure they’re all at an even height before gluing them together with wood glue (or hide glue). Then once they’re dry, drill holes in each corner and screw them into place using screws or nails (depending on what type of wood you used).

4. Now that your laptop stand is assembled, fill it with books or other things you want to hold up your computer screen so that it doesn’t tip over!


I have to say, I’m pretty proud of this DIY laptop stand. It’s so easy to make and looks good enough for anyone to use. It doesn’t hurt that it only takes about 30 minutes from start to finish! If you try out this tutorial or have any ideas on how I can improve it, please let me know in the comments below.

DIY Laptop Stand homemade from Cardboard

How To Make A Laptop Stand Using Cardboard

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