What Is The Point Of A Laptop Stand?

Reading Time: 8 minutes

You may wonder: Why would someone want to use a laptop stand? I mean, you can use your lap, right? And why not just set it on the bed or a table? But if you are like me (and many others who have used stands), using a laptop stand pays dividends. Here’s why:

Ergonomics is a must for better health

Your body’s health is too important to ignore. If you’re not making sure that your laptop is at the proper angle and being used at a desk, then it could be causing some serious problems.

Proper ergonomics can help with back pain, eye strain, neck pain, wrist pain, fatigue, and even muscle tension or soreness. You might think that these issues are small but if left unchecked they can become bigger problems over time.

It’s easy to forget how important good posture can be when using a laptop. Many people who suffer from back pain might not even realize how their workstation could be contributing to the issue! A simple solution like adjusting the height of your chair or adding a laptop stand will ensure that you aren’t putting unnecessary stress on any one area of your body while typing up reports or writing emails throughout the day!

Flexibility in use

Laptop stands are your best friend when it comes to ergonomics, but they can also be a godsend in other ways.

There are all kinds of different laptop stands out there, so we’ve rounded up the most useful ones and put together some tips on how to use them:

  • Adjust the height of your laptop stand. If you’re like most people who use laptops regularly at home or work, chances are good that you want to keep your desk or table clean and clutter-free by moving all food and mail aside so as not to distract from work tasks (and also because it’s just nicer). The problem with this plan is that sometimes having an unruly mess on your desk isn’t possible—like when you’re working late into the night and don’t want any stray crumbs getting between keys while typing away feverishly into the night with one hand while trying not to spill coffee on yourself every time someone walks past. Or maybe sometimes even though you have everything cleared off from around yourself it still feels like everything’s too low? Either way—if there’s a way around putting decorum aside for convenience’s sake then why not go for it? That’s where adjustable stands come into play!

Adjustable Angle

Adjustable angles are very important. They’re the purpose of your laptop stands in the first place.

  • If you’re taller than average, an adjustable angle will allow you to set your laptop at a comfortable height that won’t cause shoulder strain or back pain.
  • If you have lower-back problems or issues with posture, an adjustable angle can help relieve pressure on the spine and improve posture while working at a desk.
  • If you like to change things up every once in a while, an adjustable angle allows for quick changes so that you don’t get bored with your setup too quickly (or worse—get stuck in a bad habit).
  • More space to work

A laptop stand is a great space saver, as it allows you to push your laptop back and get more room to work in. The added desk space means you can put other things on there, like pictures of your family or cat, or maybe even move your mouse over there too! It’s also great for the ergonomics of working from home—you can put the keyboard on top of something (like a book) so that it’s easier on your wrists.

Helps Cooling

The laptop stand helps to cool your laptop. That’s right, the very thing that keeps your laptop off the bed and out of the way does something useful for you! And it’s not just the stand that does this; even if you don’t have a stand, but instead just lay your laptop flat on a table or desk, it can still help with cooling. The reason why is that when you’re using your laptop normally—with its base resting flat on an elevated surface—the air flows freely around it. This improves airflow and helps to keep things like dust buildup at bay. Additionally, it helps dissipate heat more efficiently because there’s less material between the bottom of your computer and whatever surface it’s sitting on (e.g., carpeting)

Aesthetics (Stylish)

Aesthetics is the quality of something that appeals to emotions. Many people find aesthetics important in their daily lives and it can be a factor in the decision to buy or use a given product. In this case, aesthetics refers not only to how something looks but also to how it feels when you hold it, touch it, or interact with it.

If you’re an aesthete, then our laptop stands will help you make your desk more beautiful than ever. With an assortment of colors and styles available—and many also featuring additional USB ports on top—you’ll never have any trouble finding one that suits your tastes perfectly!

Improves Posture

If you’re not aware of the importance of correct computer posture, then it might be time for a quick refresher. Not only does proper posture help you feel less fatigued after long periods at your desk, but it can also help prevent injuries from occurring. A laptop stand is one easy way to achieve this goal.

Laptops are heavy and awkward to hold in your lap for long periods – they were never meant to be used this way! Holding your laptop up in the air with a stand or tray keeps the weight of the device off your neck and shoulders, which reduces stress on them (a big problem when working on a laptop). And since most people are seated while using a laptop anyways (and not standing), placing it higher takes some strain off of your back as well!

The following are some suggestions for avoiding muscle and joint problems:

  • Sit at an adjustable desk made specifically for computer use.
  • Place the computer display (screen) at or slightly below eye level.
  • Adjust the height of your keyboard so that your elbows can rest comfortably at your sides. Your forearms should be level with the keyboard and parallel to the floor.
  • Use a footstool or adjust your chair so that your feet are flat on the floor.
  • Use an ergonomic chair to assist your spine to maintain its natural curve when you’re sitting.
  • To keep your hands and wrists in a more natural position, use an ergonomic keyboard.
  • Take frequent brief pauses to stroll around or stretch at your desk. Stand frequently.

If you experience pain in your back or neck when working at a computer, try these exercises:

1. Stretch your arms out to the sides, then rotate them forward so that you can see both hands at once. Hold for five seconds and repeat 10 times.

2. Rotate your head left and right as far as possible, then stop suddenly on each side for one second (stop too long and it will hurt!). Repeat 10 times on each side.

3. Put one hand on top of the other on top of your keyboard with fingers interlocked; use this hand to support your head while leaning over until you feel a stretch along the back of your neck (hold for 10 seconds). Then turn away from the computer screen until you feel another stretch along the other side of your neck (hold for another 10 seconds).

Laptop Stands vs Books

I won’t give an introduction or definition to books because we all know what they are, but I will point out a few aspects.

We already know that utilizing books is the cheapest alternative, but that doesn’t dismiss the idea of using laptop stands. In the following lines, I’ll compare the two methods so you can get a complete picture of everything.

If you tilt your body forward by a few degrees to start typing on your laptop, you’ll hurt your shoulder, neck, and spine. If you only use books, it’ll be good to elevate the laptop by a few inches, but you’ll still have to tilt your body forward, so the problem isn’t solved. Also, the books could be slippy and your laptop could slip down.

Laptop stands are made to be tilted so you don’t have to tilt your body and damage yourself; trust me, you don’t want to deal with that type of pain.

Another advantage of laptop stands is that the surface is designed to prevent your laptop from slipping down every few seconds.

You’ll be able to use your laptop on a desk, a laptop, or almost anything else this way.

There are also laptop supports that allow you to place a keyboard underneath the laptop to make it more comfortable to use.

If you’re on a budget, books are good; if you want to create things, you can also make your DIY laptop stand.


This brings us to the end of our post on laptop stands and their benefits. Have you tried a laptop stand? If not, we recommend that you do so. It is the one sure way for the screen and keyboard to be aligned properly, thus ensuring proper posture. This will help eliminate any pain or discomfort in your neck and back. And if it does not suit you, then you can always return it!

Types of Laptop Stands and their Ergonomics

Categories: Laptop Stand